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Slavic Stories for the Winter Solstice

вт, 21.12



Join Nana for old tales of the Slavic lands and beautiful music by artist In Feathers. “An Enchantress...Her mesmerising voice is transporting me to some faraway places” The Guardian

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Slavic Stories for the Winter Solstice
Slavic Stories for the Winter Solstice

Час и място

21.12.2021 г., 19:30 ч. – 21:30 ч. Гринуич


За събитието

Let your ears soak in the mystery and wonder of the lands of stories. The nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter, and at this time of year, our ancestors used to gather by the fire and listen to stories to warm their bodies and souls. Join storyteller Nana as she enchants you with stories and musician In Feathers whose music will transport you to magical places. Join us as little Nikolinka braves the cold eternal frost and faces the Winter Hali to bring back the Spring. Listen to stories about people of snow and the clever who escape their fate. At the longest night of the year, the best thing to do is to listen to stories.

This will be a live event only and will not be recorded. 


  • Full Price Ticket

    This is a standard price ticket for individuals who are waged. one ticket per device is required. Patrons can get discounted tickets using voucher codes provided on Patreon.

    10,00 GBP
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  • Consessions*

    This ticket is available for students, those in receipt of pension, and individuals who are unwaged. In addition, up to 10 tickets are available on a pay-what-you-can basis. Contact me to apply.

    7,00 GBP
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  • Билет + засадете дърво

    Дървета ще бъдат засадени в сътрудничество с „Гора без граници“. Те са CIC с нестопанска цел, посветени на засаждането на дървета и повторното залесяване на деградирали пейзажи в Обединеното кралство и Румъния. Засаждането на всяко дърво струва £2. Засадихме 60 дървета на нашето събитие за Хелоуин.

    12,00 GBP
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