Story Apothecary Book Club - Women Who Run with the Wolves
пн, 23.01
A 7-week book club for story lovers who wish to explore living a meaningful and soulful life through the guidance of stories . We will meet for 7 Monday to discuss 'Women who Run with the Wolves' by Clarissa Pinkola Estees. A book filled with traditional stories, which explores the life of women.

Час и място
23.01.2023 г., 19:00 ч. Гринуич – 06.03.2023 г., 20:30 ч. Гринуич
За събитието
"Wildlife and the Wild Woman are both endangered Species". In this book club, we will gather to discuss how stories can help us live a life that is meaningful for us as an individual. Stories are medicine, they are soul work and are nourishing. They have provided a guiding light to people for millennia. In our fast paced lives, full of individuality we don't always have time for stories or community. This book club will provide a safer space to discuss matters of the heart through the support of stories.
This Book club is for you:
- If you love stories
- If you seek for meaning in your life
- If you're worried about burning out and wonder if there is another way
- If you love nature and the wild
- If you crave to find belonging to yourself and to the world
- If you love creative work or would like to be more creative
- If you would like to explore the 'Wild Woman Archetype'
- If you enjoy meeting like minded people
This Book club is NOT for you if:
- You don't like stories
- You don't like reading
- You don't believe in women finding their voice
- If you believe that woman's place is only in the 'kitchen'
- If you are racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic or transphobic
- You are unwilling to read this book
- If you do not enjoy listening to people
You don't need to have read every chapter to join, the discussion is really where the medicine is.
Attendees will automatically have the option to join the Private Group to have a richer discussion about the book in between sessions, and connect with each other.
Pick up a second hand copy of the book, and come join us. The Audio version of the book is quite an abridged version and does have the same richness.
Maximum Spaces: 12
1 час 30 минутиWeek 1
1 час 30 минутиWeek 2
85,00 GBPПродажбата приключи
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